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Why You Should Provide Healthy Snacks for Your Employees!

Why You Should Provide Healthy Snacks for Your Employees!

Posted by VersaDesk Marketing Team on Jan 25th 2018

Healthy Snacks Are One of The Ingredients To a Happier Employee!

shutterstock-143922184-300x200-1-It’s no secret that healthier, happier employees make up a better workforce. People want to come into work! Displaying more enjoyment in their jobs because their bosses make the extra effort. Nobody wants to work for a company with high turnover rates!

Something as simple as healthy snacks in the office can attract top talent. Prospective employees with better skill sets are looking for better perks in their workspaces. Those who spend long hours want something more in return. A company that shows that they recognize and rewards their efforts will definitely create added loyalty.

Nowadays, a lot of workplaces offer snacks to their employees. With online ordering, streamlining the process makes it even easier for offices willing to go the extra mile! Reliable grocery delivery companies like AmazonFresh offers a subscription plan with huge discounts and free shipping on qualifying orders. Companies like FreshDirect, GoBio!, and Local Harvest specialize in locally grown, organic, gluten-free options, while Snack Nation charges a flat rate for boxed goods with single serve items delivered directly to your door!


Imagine coming into work and seeing this!

It doesn’t just have to start and stop with free snacks! Help keep office workers active and healthy offering things like Emergen-C! The return on interest may not be immediately noticeable. Yet, the smiles on peoples’ faces definitely make the office feel like a home away from home.

VersaDesk is currently seeing a huge surge in productivity after implementing a program that offers free healthy snacks to its employees, and happier people means happier customers!

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